2011 Results
The 2011 Mid Winter Classic race has been cancelled. While we’ve worked very hard to make this race happen (twice), and we know that lots of people will be disappointed, we believe that a runner’s safety trumps all other concerns. There is a high chance of precipitation with snow accumulations starting tonight and continuing through race-day morning. The Cape Elizabeth police will not permit the race to happen under these circumstances. There are a number of reasons for this including: falling snow makes it harder for vehicles to see runners, instead of running in a slushy break-down lane runners are more likely to run out in the road, there’s a chance that a vehicle could accidentally slide into a runner, and because the snow plow drivers need to be able to do their jobs.
The race will not be postponed to another date. All remaining race shirts will be available for pickup at the Maine Running Company store in Portland starting around noon on Sunday 2/27. If you purchased a shirt you may pick one up at any time that’s convenient for you – the shirts will remain at the store for some time. If you would like us to mail you a shirt please mail a check for $4 (payable to: Maine Track Club). No refunds will be given. However, you may transfer your entry fee over to next year’s race. When registration opens for the 2012 event we will send all registered runners a notification. The notification will include a special promotional code. You will need to register through our online process using the promotional code. We are also offering all registered runners $5 off the entry fee to the new “Race The Runways” event held on April 2nd, 2011 in Brunswick, Maine. In order to receive the discount you must register online and enter the following promotional code: MWC2011.
Even though the Mid Winter Classic race has been cancelled for Sunday 2/27 the Bradbury Blizzard snowshoe race will be held at Bradbury Mountain State Park in Pownal, Maine, starting at 11:00am. This race will only get better with more snow. To learn more please visit http://www.snowshoethebrad.blogspot.com/
Erik Boucher
Chandra Guyot
Blaine Moore
Don Penta
Marcella Tierney
Maine Track Club