2012 Results

Beautiful weather greeted runners at the Mid-Winter Classic this year, with bright skies and calm winds. The women seized the day, with new course records with Erica Jesseman (23) of Scarborough’s 58:01 just edging under Susannah Beck’s 2004 record of 58:07 and Falmouth’s Sheri Piers’ (40) 58:59 breaking Mary Pardi’s Masters record of 1:04:26, set in 2010. Nicholas Wheeler (26) of Rockland led the way for the men with a 26 second lead over Scarborough’s Chris Harmon (24), winning in 54:21. Jeff Jones (41) of Farmington won the Masters race in 55:30. There were 611 finishers overall.
The race was the Eastern Region 10 Mile Championship Race for the Road Runner’s Club of America, so along with the open and master’s winners above there were awards to the Grand Masters Bill Mariski (51) of Portland who finished in 59:35 and Maureen Spraul (55) of New Gloucester who finished in 1:13:52. The Senior Grand Masters awards went to Bill Reilly (64) of Brownfield in 1:08:59 and to Carol Legere (60) of Springvale who finished in 1:22:22.