2025 Results

The 41st running of the Mid-Winter 10 Mile Classic saw near record temperatures and near record times! The temperature got up to 11°F by the start of the race, with winds completely dying down while runners were on the course.
Dan Vassallo of Peabody, MA was the first across the line, in 51:29. Courtney Hawkins of Arlington, MA was the first woman, with a time of 61:35. The masters races were won by Chris Ritchie (54:55) and Saeger Fischer (62:39).
The Clydesdale and Filly winners were Tim Stickney (63:44), Zackary Jellis (74:24), Lauren Austin (78:29), and Justine Chabot (86:26).
New this year was our first team competition! A total of 10 teams were able to field 5 runners with at least 2 men and 2 women. Seacoast Track Club out of New Hampshire managed to hold off Valor Track Club by just over a minute with a cumulative time of 4:54:41.